How would you like to take college courses, even earn a college degree, from the comfort of your home using your own computer? That's the advantage of getting your education through a distance learning university.
The definition of distance learning is transferring knowledge to students from teachers who are separated by time and distance, using technology. This technological breakthrough has led to a veritable explosion of options for a distance learning university.
Unfortunately, as with every technical advance, some have used the technology for less-than-ethical ends. In fact, some distance learning university programs found online are completely unreliable. For that reason it's crucial that a prospective student select his or her distance learning university with great care.
Start by compiling a list of distance learning colleges. Then check the accreditation of the schools on your list. Accreditation is a process through which colleges and universities are evaluated for the quality of their programs. A distance learning university that isn't accredited by a reputable external agency may grant you a degree, but that degree may be worthless in real life.
It's also wise to decide whether your specialty requires a two-year associate's, four-year bachelor's, or five-year master's degree. One of the great benefits of enrolling in a distance learning university is that you can obtain these advanced degrees while you continue to work and/or care for your family.
The look over how many credits the schools require you to earn in order to get your degree, along with the grade point average you must maintain. Based on the college's requirements, you'll have to decide whether you can commit to the work it will take to achieve your degree.
Another factor in choosing a distance learning university is cost. Study the tuition costs of several institutions. Then explore what financial aid might by available for by contracting the distance learning university's financial aid officer. These administrators can be contacted via a college's online form, by email, by telephone or in person to find out what financial assistance might be available for you. Also look at a breakout of the tuition to find what details it includes, such as charges for computer software, lab fees, books, etc.
Sometimes students who choose a distance learning university program find that many on-campus student services aren't available to them via the Internet. Thus it's also important to check for Internet access to the college library, research sources, counseling, tutoring and other services.
A way to refine your distance learning university search is to look at each academic departments' page or section of the college's web site. Department pages typically list major and minor degrees in each academic field. They also give information on instructors and on curricula offered in the department.
This research will provide plenty of practice for completing assignments from your chosen distance learning university. Good luck with your academic career! - 29891
The definition of distance learning is transferring knowledge to students from teachers who are separated by time and distance, using technology. This technological breakthrough has led to a veritable explosion of options for a distance learning university.
Unfortunately, as with every technical advance, some have used the technology for less-than-ethical ends. In fact, some distance learning university programs found online are completely unreliable. For that reason it's crucial that a prospective student select his or her distance learning university with great care.
Start by compiling a list of distance learning colleges. Then check the accreditation of the schools on your list. Accreditation is a process through which colleges and universities are evaluated for the quality of their programs. A distance learning university that isn't accredited by a reputable external agency may grant you a degree, but that degree may be worthless in real life.
It's also wise to decide whether your specialty requires a two-year associate's, four-year bachelor's, or five-year master's degree. One of the great benefits of enrolling in a distance learning university is that you can obtain these advanced degrees while you continue to work and/or care for your family.
The look over how many credits the schools require you to earn in order to get your degree, along with the grade point average you must maintain. Based on the college's requirements, you'll have to decide whether you can commit to the work it will take to achieve your degree.
Another factor in choosing a distance learning university is cost. Study the tuition costs of several institutions. Then explore what financial aid might by available for by contracting the distance learning university's financial aid officer. These administrators can be contacted via a college's online form, by email, by telephone or in person to find out what financial assistance might be available for you. Also look at a breakout of the tuition to find what details it includes, such as charges for computer software, lab fees, books, etc.
Sometimes students who choose a distance learning university program find that many on-campus student services aren't available to them via the Internet. Thus it's also important to check for Internet access to the college library, research sources, counseling, tutoring and other services.
A way to refine your distance learning university search is to look at each academic departments' page or section of the college's web site. Department pages typically list major and minor degrees in each academic field. They also give information on instructors and on curricula offered in the department.
This research will provide plenty of practice for completing assignments from your chosen distance learning university. Good luck with your academic career! - 29891
About the Author:
For information and tips on distance learning school and distance learning degrees visit Distance Learning