You really need an advanced degree to get ahead in your job. Or perhaps you want to change careers, but you can't afford to quit your current position and go to college full-time. Fortunately, a distance learning university can help you achieve your educational and career goals.
The technical breakthrough represented by the development in the World Wide Web in the early'90s has spurred the surge of distance learning universities. Thanks to the Web, it's possible to use technology to bridge the time and space between instructors and students, making it possible for the student to gain knowledge from the instruction without having to travel to a campus.
Unfortunately, as with every technical advance, some have used the technology for less-than-ethical ends. In fact, some distance learning university programs found online are completely unreliable. For that reason it's crucial that a prospective student select his or her distance learning university with great care.
The first step is to compile a list of distance learning schools. Next, check to see if the colleges and universities on your list are accredited institutions of higher education. Accreditation is essential, because the degree you earn from distance learning may not be worth your investment if your credentials aren't accepted.
Furthermore, not every distance learning university offers all levels of degrees. So your choice of an online learning program will be guided on whether you wish to earn a two-year, four-year or graduate degree.
As you make your plans, don't overlook the fact that a college education, even from a distance learning university, requires a great deal of time and effort. You'll have to make some sacrifices, but you don't have to do so blindly. Instead, carefully review the number of degree credits required by each distance learning university you're considering. Also take into account the minimum grade point average required. Assessing these two factors will give you a better idea of what will be required of you to earn that coveted degree.
Cost is another major factor in selecting the distance learning university that's right for you. Look carefully over the tuition costs at colleges and universities that interest you. Next, contact the university's financial aid office for information on scholarships, grants, or loans that could help you pay for your education. In many cases a college has an online form you can complete, or you can contact the financial aid office via email, telephone or fax. To be eligible for student aid you will have to complete a FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Students at a distance learning university program can have difficulty accessing the student services available to those who attend on campus. That's why it's important to find out if there is online access for such services as academic advisement, career counseling, research and library facilities and tutoring.
All colleges and universities today have web sites, and many of these sites include web pages or sections for various academic departments. Visit these pages to locate information on major and minor programs, instructors and curriculum.
Consider all this upfront research as practice for the rigors of college student. Use it to narrow your search down to two or three top candidate schools. Then choose the distance learning university that's right for you. - 29891
The technical breakthrough represented by the development in the World Wide Web in the early'90s has spurred the surge of distance learning universities. Thanks to the Web, it's possible to use technology to bridge the time and space between instructors and students, making it possible for the student to gain knowledge from the instruction without having to travel to a campus.
Unfortunately, as with every technical advance, some have used the technology for less-than-ethical ends. In fact, some distance learning university programs found online are completely unreliable. For that reason it's crucial that a prospective student select his or her distance learning university with great care.
The first step is to compile a list of distance learning schools. Next, check to see if the colleges and universities on your list are accredited institutions of higher education. Accreditation is essential, because the degree you earn from distance learning may not be worth your investment if your credentials aren't accepted.
Furthermore, not every distance learning university offers all levels of degrees. So your choice of an online learning program will be guided on whether you wish to earn a two-year, four-year or graduate degree.
As you make your plans, don't overlook the fact that a college education, even from a distance learning university, requires a great deal of time and effort. You'll have to make some sacrifices, but you don't have to do so blindly. Instead, carefully review the number of degree credits required by each distance learning university you're considering. Also take into account the minimum grade point average required. Assessing these two factors will give you a better idea of what will be required of you to earn that coveted degree.
Cost is another major factor in selecting the distance learning university that's right for you. Look carefully over the tuition costs at colleges and universities that interest you. Next, contact the university's financial aid office for information on scholarships, grants, or loans that could help you pay for your education. In many cases a college has an online form you can complete, or you can contact the financial aid office via email, telephone or fax. To be eligible for student aid you will have to complete a FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
Students at a distance learning university program can have difficulty accessing the student services available to those who attend on campus. That's why it's important to find out if there is online access for such services as academic advisement, career counseling, research and library facilities and tutoring.
All colleges and universities today have web sites, and many of these sites include web pages or sections for various academic departments. Visit these pages to locate information on major and minor programs, instructors and curriculum.
Consider all this upfront research as practice for the rigors of college student. Use it to narrow your search down to two or three top candidate schools. Then choose the distance learning university that's right for you. - 29891
About the Author:
For information and tips on distance learning school and distance learning degrees visit Distance Learning