There are many unclaimed scholarships are present today, which amount to thousands of dollars. As these are weird and unclaimed, so, not much competition is there. Burger king Scholarship is such a scholarship.
Even though, it may sound a little weird, but there hundreds of different types of scholarships exist which can fund your educational expenses. The Burger king Scholarship provides mammoth amount of money to numerous students every year.
People know the Burger king Scholarship as BK scholarship. Before you apply for this scholarship you should know the eligibilities and the requirements of this scholarship.
You probably know that Burger King Joint is very famous for its burgers, french fries and shakes in the North America. But not various students know about the scholarship program. Every year, The Burger King scholarship offers $1000 each to 700 students. The students can be people of any country in the North America continents, the United States of America or from any accredited house schools of these regions.
These scholarships have helped many students and the credit of starting them goes to James McLemore, the cofounder of Burger King Restaurants.
By 2007, students have been granted $10 million all the way through this scholarship program. The eligibility criteria for the scholarship is not very strict-you have to have work experience of 15 hours weekly part-time and should have a GPA of 2.5.
You can apply through a simple application process-filling in the profile form for registration online. The Burger King Scholarship program administration website contains other necessary information. This website will help you with the information related to submission deadline and the pros and cons of the scholarship.
If you need other information such as the winner's database and needs of the students who received this scholarship, you can find that from the website. The basis of deciding which student will receive the scholarship are your extracurricular activities, leadership skills and academic results. If you have some working experience, that can help you in a big way, in earning this scholarship.
The company has decided to provide 10,000 scholarships by the end of 2010. So students can easily achieve the task of getting these scholarships for betterment of their future.
So don't wait for anything, simply grab this golden occasion from the Burger King and acquire your college education free - 29891
Even though, it may sound a little weird, but there hundreds of different types of scholarships exist which can fund your educational expenses. The Burger king Scholarship provides mammoth amount of money to numerous students every year.
People know the Burger king Scholarship as BK scholarship. Before you apply for this scholarship you should know the eligibilities and the requirements of this scholarship.
You probably know that Burger King Joint is very famous for its burgers, french fries and shakes in the North America. But not various students know about the scholarship program. Every year, The Burger King scholarship offers $1000 each to 700 students. The students can be people of any country in the North America continents, the United States of America or from any accredited house schools of these regions.
These scholarships have helped many students and the credit of starting them goes to James McLemore, the cofounder of Burger King Restaurants.
By 2007, students have been granted $10 million all the way through this scholarship program. The eligibility criteria for the scholarship is not very strict-you have to have work experience of 15 hours weekly part-time and should have a GPA of 2.5.
You can apply through a simple application process-filling in the profile form for registration online. The Burger King Scholarship program administration website contains other necessary information. This website will help you with the information related to submission deadline and the pros and cons of the scholarship.
If you need other information such as the winner's database and needs of the students who received this scholarship, you can find that from the website. The basis of deciding which student will receive the scholarship are your extracurricular activities, leadership skills and academic results. If you have some working experience, that can help you in a big way, in earning this scholarship.
The company has decided to provide 10,000 scholarships by the end of 2010. So students can easily achieve the task of getting these scholarships for betterment of their future.
So don't wait for anything, simply grab this golden occasion from the Burger King and acquire your college education free - 29891