Online school may have innovative answers to the pervasive problem of high school drop outs. While a virtual school or internet school may not have solutions for every complex problem that can cause dropping out of school, for many who need credit recovery and an alternative to public high school, online high school may offer our best hope.
Generally, students drop out for two basic reasons. There have been problems at home, or public school has become intolerable to them. The main predictors of dropping out will be reviewed in this article, and whether an online education can provide a solution.
In my view, the guidance that can be provided by a professional case manager would be highly beneficial as soon as a student begins to exhibit predictive signs of dropping out. Typical school counselors are given so many extraneous tasks that they have little time remaining to do actual intervention. When possible, parents should also play as strong role as well.
The first area that is predictive of dropping out is poor academic performance and poor grades. Low grades are reflected in poor self esteem, negative peer acceptance, and general discouragement. Online high school allows the child to catch up in private, recover lost credits, and work at his own pace. .
Failure of one grade or more is also highly predictive of not attaining a diploma. The chances of leaving school before graduating can be more than 90% in those who have been held back grades. Grade retention results in his friends moving up without him, classes becoming repetitive and boring, and graduation slipping further away. The online option can be quite effective in catching the potential drop out.
One area where online high school is only partially effective is for serious behavior problems. When negative peer pressure is to blame, internet school can allow parents to better control and supervise the child's progress. Of course, strong parents are not always available. When a student is often getting in trouble, school can become a place where mostly punishment occurs. An online alternative may be of help.
Behavior problems are difficult to deal with in any setting. When considering switching to online school, it is wise to take into account that online education may require a good deal of self motivation and focus. Without parental supervision and mentoring, these behaviors can disrupt attempt at online schooling as well.
Another predictive sign for dropping out is frequent moving, and frequent absences from school. Portability is a great benefit of online high school. This may be the only way a family that moves often can have continuity of schooling. The only thing needed is an internet connection for the student to attend school. Absences are another case, depending on the cause, but online school may have an answer for this as well.
When drop outs are questioned, they list dislike for school, parental duties, pregnancy, and job priorities as reasons. In these cases, traditional public school may just be too rigid. This is a good situation where the online school can offer the flexibility necessary for schooling to continue to graduation.
Today there is a lot of effort and discussion about drop out recovery. Online high school is an increasingly sound alternative. The obvious consequences of dropping out in terms of quality of life, and financial burden on society force a search for viable alternatives. There are many online high schools to choose from. Finding a school that is best for you is time well spent. - 29891
Generally, students drop out for two basic reasons. There have been problems at home, or public school has become intolerable to them. The main predictors of dropping out will be reviewed in this article, and whether an online education can provide a solution.
In my view, the guidance that can be provided by a professional case manager would be highly beneficial as soon as a student begins to exhibit predictive signs of dropping out. Typical school counselors are given so many extraneous tasks that they have little time remaining to do actual intervention. When possible, parents should also play as strong role as well.
The first area that is predictive of dropping out is poor academic performance and poor grades. Low grades are reflected in poor self esteem, negative peer acceptance, and general discouragement. Online high school allows the child to catch up in private, recover lost credits, and work at his own pace. .
Failure of one grade or more is also highly predictive of not attaining a diploma. The chances of leaving school before graduating can be more than 90% in those who have been held back grades. Grade retention results in his friends moving up without him, classes becoming repetitive and boring, and graduation slipping further away. The online option can be quite effective in catching the potential drop out.
One area where online high school is only partially effective is for serious behavior problems. When negative peer pressure is to blame, internet school can allow parents to better control and supervise the child's progress. Of course, strong parents are not always available. When a student is often getting in trouble, school can become a place where mostly punishment occurs. An online alternative may be of help.
Behavior problems are difficult to deal with in any setting. When considering switching to online school, it is wise to take into account that online education may require a good deal of self motivation and focus. Without parental supervision and mentoring, these behaviors can disrupt attempt at online schooling as well.
Another predictive sign for dropping out is frequent moving, and frequent absences from school. Portability is a great benefit of online high school. This may be the only way a family that moves often can have continuity of schooling. The only thing needed is an internet connection for the student to attend school. Absences are another case, depending on the cause, but online school may have an answer for this as well.
When drop outs are questioned, they list dislike for school, parental duties, pregnancy, and job priorities as reasons. In these cases, traditional public school may just be too rigid. This is a good situation where the online school can offer the flexibility necessary for schooling to continue to graduation.
Today there is a lot of effort and discussion about drop out recovery. Online high school is an increasingly sound alternative. The obvious consequences of dropping out in terms of quality of life, and financial burden on society force a search for viable alternatives. There are many online high schools to choose from. Finding a school that is best for you is time well spent. - 29891
About the Author:
Ed Desmond is home schooling his daughter the simple way with a virtual high school. If you would like a medium priced priced alternative now offering full $1000 off tuition please follow this link to Online High School.